At Lurv, we believe everyone should have a shot at growing thicker hair. We have combined years of engineering, experience in hair care, critical thinking and natural ingredients and have by that, perfected a method to not only fight hair loss but also to encourage hair growth.

The Lurv hair care serum merges the best of the East and the West. We incorporated ancient Eastern knowledge into our engineering to adhere to Western safety standards, resulting in a potent product that gives great results! All you need is a living hair follicle and a bit of patience and persistence, and the products will work their magic from there.


Fredric is an engineering-minded, critical thinker with a holistic and health-focused mindset towards life itself. Years of travelling and living abroad have taught him to adapt and develop methods to thrive and live a successful and meaningful life. These very same methods were used to develop the Lurv hair care products and brand, resulting in thousands of happy customers.


Stefan is a dedicated hair care professional with decades of experience working with people suffering from diminishing hair and developing a plethora of different hair care products. Stefan gets his energy from the great outdoors and finds using completely organic ingredients essential in perfecting Lurv’s hair care products. Decades of trial and error in hair care have given him a unique perspective on the industry and helped Lurv make the best decisions based on the principles of holistic hair care.

“Whether we have hair or want hair, people feel emotional about it”

Lurv’s use of the herbal enzyme Antrodia cinnamomea in our hair care serum and our introduction of our scalp roller for improved blood circulation have led to fantasic results!




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